The European Clinical Ethics Network (ECEN), founded in 2005, consists of clinical ethics experts who are experienced in practicing, studying, and training clinical ethics support (CES), e.g. clinical ethics committees, clinical ethics consultations and moral case deliberations.

ECEN aims to:

  1. arrange the exchange of research results and experiences in order to learn from each other;
  2. foster and further professionalize CES by means of training, education and research;
  3. put CES more on the European agenda, both in various health care domains and in training and scientific research.

ECEN organizes meetings/webinars for ECEN members, ECEN Summer schools and an annual ECEN Open Forum Day for anyone interested in CES (see: Events). ECEN members are involved in national CES activities and networks within their own countries (see: Members). CES is performed locally by the members, but it is informed and qualified by their participation in the ECEN. ECEN members often initiate national CES conferences or seminars, (inter)national CES studies and CES training programs. ECEN is a closed network and to become a member a formal application needs to be submitted to the ECEN Steering Group.